
child custody
Silhouette Man behind bars
Does a felony affect child custody? The short answer is: Yes, of course it can, but not always. A number of factors come into play when a party involved in a custody case has been convicted of or charged with a felony. Some of the factors judges will consider include when the felony occurred, what...
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The Internet is bursting with information, and you’ll find plenty of how-to articles and videos on just about any topic—including divorce. Some people even turn to online divorce websites because they don’t want to pay thousands of dollars for a divorce attorney. What they don’t realize—and some of our clients have found out—is that going...
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mom with kids on bench
When we speak with parents about child custody, our clients often say the other parent is a narcissist or that a parent’s personality disorder poses a danger to their child. While mental health issues can affect child custody and visitation orders in Tarrant County, proving they exist isn’t necessarily easy. If you’re concerned the other...
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young woman talking on phone
At the Sisemore Law Firm, one of the big goals we try to achieve when negotiating child custody agreements is to put orders in place that will minimize the likelihood of a future custody modification in Texas. Believe it or not, we don’t want repeat business. We want to help clients get things right the first time...
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According to recent census figures in the United States, there are more than 2 million adopted children in households in the country. With an increase in awareness about adoption, more and more mothers are considering it as a viable option when they feel they may be able to unable to care for their child either physically, emotionally,...
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unhappy couple talking to divorce lawyer
Parenting a child with someone whom you do not like or trust is no easy task. If you are in this situation, you can feel scared, anxious and angry about how the other parent treats a child and what he or she might say to the child about you. If you anticipate these types of...
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child with mom in background
Parents all across Texas are bound by a custody or visitation order. These orders are essential in protecting both a parent’s access to a child as well as the best interests of a child. However, as time goes on, circumstances change and these orders may need modification. One such change is if one of the parents...
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Over the years, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has ruled on two important cases relating to child custody. In addition, the U.S. Congress has passed federal legislation. In 1972, the court ruled (Stanley v. Illinois) that unmarried fathers have fundamental parenting rights; in 1983 (Lehr v. Robertson), SCOTUS ruled that biological fathers must demonstrate a...
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Custody battles can be highly contentious and volatile. Under these circumstances, parents can make some unwise decisions and engage in inadvisable behavior in an effort to hurt the other parent. One particularly reckless decision parents might make in an effort to hurt the other parent is interfering with custody, as custodial interference can hurt the...
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Parents who lose custody of their children find themselves in desperate situations and may even go to great lengths to get their kids back. In California, a mother who lost custody of her children in a bitter court battle with her former husband found herself in such a situation. When the father was away, she went to his home and took her kids. They...
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Tired of Resolutions That Don’t Stick? The Secret to Lasting Change
January 28, 2025Justin Sisemore
Purpose of Image: Blended family. Image: Family on beach with children
Common Blended Family Issues and How to Avoid Them
January 21, 2025Justin Sisemore
Texas Divorce Papers: What Forms Do I Need to Get a Divorce?
January 16, 2025Justin Sisemore

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