If you’re considering divorce, or your spouse has already filed divorce papers, it’s important to understand the potential risks that coincide with ending a marriage and how to protect yourself during a divorce. Knowing your rights and proper steps to take leading up to and during divorce may help minimize the emotional and financial toll...Read More
Asking for a divorce is never easy, even when you’re certain it’s the best option for you. Timing and the manner in which you present your decision are both critical when divorce is imminent. It’s also essential to speak with a divorce attorney and plan ahead before asking for a divorce. He or she can...Read More
Infidelity is a topic we frequently discuss with clients at our Fort Worth family law firm. As a divorce attorney, I find there are generally two kinds of affairs—physical and emotional—which come in a variety of shapes and forms. Read on to learn more about the different types of affairs, why affairs happen and when...Read More
Just like toxic chemicals, toxic people can make you sick—both physically and mentally. Living in a toxic marriage day in and day out can be dangerous to your health, especially if the level of toxicity rises to physical and emotional abuse. How do you know if your marriage is toxic, and should you try to...Read More
Back in the 1970s, Texas (and many other states) passed no-fault divorce laws, which means you no longer have to prove fault grounds if you want to get a divorce. You can still file for divorce based on fault grounds in Texas, but you also have the option to file based on no-fault grounds. As...Read More
Divorce brings out the worst in the best people. On occasion, it can even drive angry spouses to be less than forthcoming about certain assets that belong to their community estate. However, it’s never a good idea to deliberately hide, divert or misrepresent assets because the penalty for hiding assets in divorce can be quite...Read More
Researchers have studied the psychological effects of divorce for decades. While everyone copes with divorce in their own unique way, there is no question that going through a divorce is one of life’s most emotionally taxing experiences. Today’s highly polarized society has further intensified family conflicts and the emotional impact of divorce. Fortunately, there are...Read More
There are two types of divorce waivers of service in Texas (also referred to as a waiver of citation): a Specific Waiver of Service and a Global Waiver of Service. You must file your petition for divorce before you can submit a waiver of service to your spouse. By filing a signed Specific or Global...Read More
It isn’t uncommon for clients to ask us: “What is the quickest way to get a divorce?” Some people come to us fed up with an unhappy marriage hoping to secure a divorce quickly, while others find themselves in the roommate zone with their spouse and simply want to move on with their lives. Regardless...Read More
The phrase “legal separation” is so common in American culture that it may shock you to hear that no such thing exists in Texas. That’s right, Texas doesn’t recognize legal separation, however, the state does offer legal remedies to accomplish similar goals. While we can’t tell you how to get a legal separation in Texas,...Read More